Cookie Settings

The cookie policy of

This website uses cookies and other techniques such as JavaScript and web beacons on this website and related sites. Because we want to guarantee your privacy and improve the user-friendliness of our website, we think it is important that you know how and why we use cookies. On this page we try to provide you with clear information about the use of these techniques (including cookies) by guarantees that we only use the information we receive to offer you our services and products as well as possible. We have no interest in reselling your information or otherwise misusing your trust in us. We strive for 100% customer satisfaction, which also means that we treat your data carefully and properly.

Who is the 'processor' of your data? (a registered trade name of Innomation B.V.) located at Hendrik Andriessenlaan 36 in Hoofddorp, is responsible for the processing of data as described in this cookie policy. The following websites and domain names belong to Innomation B.V. and therefore fall under the same conditions described on this page:


Our techniques used:

JavaScript, cookies and web beacons are standard internet techniques that ensure that a system can collect information (javascript), store it in small, simple text files (cookies) and then send it (web beacons). Such cookies and the other techniques are used on almost all websites and are very common but can sometimes share more information than you would like.

If you want to disable cookies from specific advertising parties, you can do this for all websites at once via

How can you delete cookies:

Instead of maintaining this explanation ourselves, we would like to refer you to the website of the Consumers' Association. Here you will find all information about removing cookies:

What data do we store of you:

With the use of some cookies, personal data is also processed as you can read above. In our special page about the GDPR you will find more information about what data we and the third parties involved in our site store about you and how we handle this data. On the same page you will also find an explanation on how you can request or delete your stored data.

Exchange of your data with third parties:

Cookies from third parties are also placed via our website. The use of cookies by other companies is subject to the privacy and cookie policy of the relevant company. We have placed an overview below to provide insight into which data we exchange with whom.

All cookies found on our site and your saved preferences:

Unique products only in our shop
100% safe website, GDPR regulated
The most common used payment methods
Excellent guarantee, and 14 days cooling off period
Delivery with track & trace
Default volume and shipping discounts