Frequently asked questions

Which NSD Spinners does the digital speedometer fit on?


All powerballs on our site can be equipped with a digital speedometer. There are two versions of each powerball model for sale in our webshop: 1 with the speedometer, and 1 without the speedometer. The NSD Spinner Bluetooth is the only version that is always delivered with the counter as standard.

That immediately brings to light another point: the NSD Spinner Bluetooth is the only version whose counter is not interchangeable with other models. This is because the Bluetooth counter consumes much more power than the normal speedometer. For that reason, both the counter and the rotor of the NSD Spinner Bluetooth have been modified to meet this requirement. This means that the normal speedometer with LCD screen will not work on a Bluetooth model, and vice versa, the Bluetooth counter will not work on the other NSD Spinner models.

In the past we had versions with batteries in addition to the current battery-free version of the speedometer. These two are identical in operation, and can therefore be exchanged without problems with all NSD Spinners (Bluetooth excepted!) on our site.

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